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Home Buyer Dislikes: From the Mouths of Babes Part 2


Smokers homes are not a favorite of buyersAs promised, this is Part  2 of my previous post   7 Things Home Buyers Intensely Dislike .

After conferring with the agents at Home Selling Team we came up with another 8 common issues that generate negative feedback for a seller or prevent a seller from getting their asking  price.

  1. Wallpaper:  Wallpaper & borders, old and new, even if it is tolerable and to the buyer’s taste (not likely) it is  very difficult to remove and painting over it is not really a good option.  It could require a steamer, a scraper, and a sander and sometimes the sheet rock comes with it.  Hiring it out could be a costly expense that the buyer is not able or willing to tackle.
  2. Smelly basements & sump pumps:  A dehumidifier is a good investment if you have a wet or damp basement.  Water seepage is usually obvious and hard to conceal but getting some of the dampness out of the air especially during the humid summer months could go a long way to soothe a buyer who is skittish about dampness and sump pumps and sensitive to smelly  basements.
  3. Haunted Landscaping:  Deferred maintenance, weeds, out of control shrubs & perennials make your home look like a pending foreclosure or an abandoned home, mentally and physically.  It could also impact your leverage in negotiating if it appears that you have lost interest in the property or are desperate to sell.  Mulching, weeding, and pruning are well worth the nominal cost and elbow grease.Home buyers are not fans of wallpaper

  4. 70’s bathroom colors and fixtures:  There may be no way to manage this other than to put a smile on your face and a shag seat cover on your toilet.  Be prepared to face this negative head on unless you would consider re-doing the whole bath.    You can do an updated bathroom fairly inexpensively but doing it too inexpensively can also work against you.  At least your dated bath is probably of good quality stuff.   I would ask your agent how bad it is and what, if any, remedies you have at your disposal.  Ask for a reference for a remodeling contractor.   It may be worth it but not if the rest of the house is dated as well.
  5. Electric Heat:  This is a big one for some buyers.  Some buyers don’t want to be at the mercy of the electricity provider with soaring rates and colder winters; some buyers don’t like the dryness of electric heat.  Energy prices in CT are some of the highest in the country and oil and propane fall in and out of favor based on their current pricing− a good option this year may not be a good option next.  You can convert to oil or propane but at a substantial cost and one that may not be returned to you at time of sale.
  6. Lack of Central Air:  Most, if not all, new homes built have central air, it is a blessing on the hottest days of the year and/or if you have allergies or allergic kids and want to keep pollen out in the spring and fall. Lack of central air is a deterrent especially in the higher priced homes where it is an expected amenity in that price range.   Be prepared to suffer a price adjustment when compared to a similar home that offers central air in your price range.  Whole house fans and independent window units are helpful but not the same.home buyers expect rusty baseboard covers to be replaced
  7. Smokers:  If you smoke, you probably can’t smell what a buyer smells, in most cases, the minute they cross your threshold.   This can cause buyers to literally flee the home to their car.  This is huge and  not easily remedied.  Professional cleaners, smoke paint, replacing carpets, replacing window treatments, washing windows, upholstery cleaning or furniture removal, are all potentialities when attempting to rid a home of evidence of a current or previous smoking inhabitant.   There are deodorizers on the market for a quick fix but they soon wear off and frankly, I’ve wondered if they are not more carcinogenic than the smoke.  These homes require a massive price reduction and will sell for less than their peers if the residue cannot be eradicated.  There is something to be said for pushing smokers out the back door to smoke on your stoop or you could be lucky enough to sell to a smoker for which it would be less of an issue.
  8. Rusty Baseboard Heater Covers: Last but not least, the dreaded rusty baseboard heater cover –wait for it− next to the toilet.  Whether this is just a by-product of life, kids, a bad aim, or bathroom moisture, it needs to be replaced before you entertain potential buyers in your home.  They are usually standard in size and inexpensive to replace or for the frugal among us, some scrubbing, scraping, painting, and Kilz if you must.


home buyers first impressionAdvice to sellers:  If you find some of these objections are likely to be found at your home it would be wise to attempt to eradicate some of these issues preferably before you put your home on the market, not after.  Some objections are unmanageable or unable to be modified and must be addressed through price or terms, but most aren’t.  You get one shot at a good impression when a home buyer comes  through the door.  If you are eliminated from the running, the buyers won’t be back.   Good smells, good paint, good economic sense, all make for good vibes when a buyer is weighing your property against others in your price range.  Reduce, Replace, Resolve, Repaint, Refinish, Repair, Refresh, Relax-your work is done!

If you’re wondering what your home could bring in today’s market and what, if any, improvements you could make to make your home as appealing as possible to home buyers, contact us and we’d be happy to take a look, give you recommendations and provide a likely selling price.  If you are contemplating selling on your own we have a video on our site with recommendations for getting your home ready to sell without using an agent.

The post Home Buyer Dislikes: From the Mouths of Babes Part 2 appeared first on Home Selling Team Blog For Tolland and Windham County CT Real Estate.

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